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Awesome Note or Daily Notes for iPad2?

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Posted by Ken
May 28, 2012 at 11:42 PM


First, I would like to thank everybody for the well wishes.  Positive thoughts are always appreciated, and they certainly helped me maintain a good outlook when my medical treatment took a few unexpected twists and turns.  Now, back to the business of CRIMPing.  Your suggestions and advice are very helpful.  Actually, Alfons’ Notebooks was one of the first app that I purchased last year, and I believe it was on suggestions from a post back then.  I had high hopes for the program, but never actually used it much as Carbonfin kind of took its place.  I looked at the program after I posted, and I can see why everybody likes it, and why you recommended it.  To a greater of lesser degree, it may meet my needs.  But, I may “take one for the team” and purchase the other two programs so I can do a full comparison.

I was considering a hybrid model of using the iPad with my desktop PC.  Eventually, my notes need to be transferred so they can be properly archived, as they are a public record ( I work in municipal government).  I am not certain where the tasks will reside (since they are somewhat transient), as I initially did not want to use my personal iPad for work, but I may have a change of heart if it makes my life easier.  One of the challenges is that DropBox is blocked from our computers at work for security reasons.  This is an annoyance, but there are work-around solutions, so I am going to need to see what type of export options each app offers.  And while it is important that the notes eventually make it to my desktop PC, I am not too concerned about their formatting since they will primarily be short and simple plain text notes.

The tasks, on the other hand, are a bit more critical, as I need to make sure that I am not missing important deadlines or actions.  This is one reason that I want to compare all three apps.  I also have Toodledo, but I would really like some integration between the notes and the tasks while on the iPad.  Yes, Toodledo has both notebooks and tasks, but they are not really related in a way that works for me.  On the other hand, Notebooks offers a nice approach, and I was happy to have a third choice, especially one that I have already purchased.

I will try to report back after I have played with them for some time.

