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Posted by Thomas
Mar 26, 2007 at 12:11 AM


just a short review

Do-Organizer from GemX is probably not the replacement for the software like Zoot, UltraRecall etc, as it has different approach. You can’t throw all the info in one place and structure as you like, but all shall go to it’s own module (contacts, calendar, tasks, notes,......)  It might feel a bit heavy-weight at first, and some great features are hidden.
But….it’s not yet another Outlook-like wannabe.
It allows interlinking of all the records, so while browsing a contact for example, you can see all associated notes, tasks, emails,....
You can run SQL commands on the database.
The search function (the powerful one, not the regular one)  is in a new window. but it:
- is incremental search
- allows to choose which sections to search
- shows text extract
There is a seemingly powerful reports module (i don’t use it)

While some modules are admittedly basic (emails, mindmaps,...) in comparison to all the powerful specialized programs out there, the idea of all-in-one and, most of all, interlinked, is very luring.  Particularly when one isn’t asking for much, and just wants to unclutter/get rid of tens of other applications and put it all into one.

The export features (in case you decide to stop using it) are nice, and the SQL is a plus.

I absolutely love the finance section, a small spreadsheet in itself, for all the small spreadsheets that I don’t have to use Excel now.

There are still some rough edges (depends on users point of view). The outliner module (Scribe) for one, is at the moment just kind of a note-taker, though nice and flashy, and doesn’t allow export except note by note. But they are working on improving it substantially (towards their TexNotes app power).

That said, I’m not using it exclusively. I have other apps for tasks (MyLife Organized), email (Pocomail), and oh well, even for most notes (Keynote, moving probably to MyInfo). The idea of moving it all into DO and use just one, is luring, but something is still missing (despite all the sql and search and reports power, it still feels more like a paintbrush-like app whereas I would prefer a zoot-like app) . Maybe one day I will get fed-up and move all to DO, or maybe I will continue using all those 10+ rand everchanging applications and trialing more and more everytime someone suggests something here on the forum.
Visiting this forum makes me sick ;-)