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Best PIM for project management?

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Posted by Stephen Zeoli
Apr 23, 2012 at 04:04 PM


Not that this is the answer you were looking for Dr Andus, but here’s an unorthodox suggestion for a project manager: Scrivener.

I haven’t yet really tried this in practice, I’ve just considered it in principle. I’ve put together a little PDF (using Clarify*) that shows how you might go about creating a project management project in Scrivener:


I think the corkboard, outline views and various ways of including meta-data make Scrivener pretty solid as a project management application. It won’t do calculations for you, as in helping you schedule tasks. And the Mac Version would be better than the Windows versions, since you can create a field for due dates in the Mac version, while you have to put due dates in the synopsis in the Windows version.

That all makes Scrivener an acceptable application for managing a project. What would make you WANT to use it this way is if you like to write a lot about your project, and/or your supervisor requires a comprehensive report afterward (which you can create easily using the compile function in Scriv).

Anyway, this is mostly just food for thought, and perhaps grist for discussion.

Steve Z.

*In truth, the main reason I’m presenting this idea is so that I could try out Clarify.