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Scrivener for Windows stability

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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Apr 14, 2012 at 05:47 PM


My use of Scrivener is intermittent, so I can’t provide any testimonial of reliability, but so far I have had no issues. Moreover, Scrivener saves its files individually under a project folder which I believe is a good strategy: in the event of a corruption this should only influence a part of the project. It also makes the project easier to backup regularly.

I’ve written elsewhere that I would want 100% reliability, but excrement happens. In fact, in most cases, it would likely occur due to human error. My suggestion would therefore be to invest in an incremental backup solution. A possible solution might be Dropbox which (in its premium version only, I believe) provides access to several previous versions of your files. By ‘previous’, I mean from a few minutes to weeks ago, depending on your saving habits. I have only needed to use this once, when I deleted a file by mistake, but it was a game saver.