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ADM -- Just What Is Going On?

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Posted by Daly de Gagne
Mar 4, 2007 at 01:17 PM


The following post in reply to one I had originally written on the GTD Group, is even more suggestive that all is not well in the ADM camp:
After Daly’s mail I was expecting some reply from Eric Sommer, who is the ADM CEO and who usually reacted promptly to such messages, but no reply came.

After Daly’s mail I was expecting some reply from Eric Sommer, who is the ADM CEO and who usually reacted promptly to such messages, but no reply came.

Then I went through the last announcements of the ADM’s beta versions and I realized that instead of the Eric’s usual quotations,

“True development puts first those that society puts last.”
-Mahatma Gandhi

“Dare to be naive.”
- Buckminster Fuller

“Work for the world.”
- Karl Marx

“A loving heart: In all the world this state of mind is best.”

the closing sentence was:
“This email communication was sent on behalf of:
Eric Sommer
Suite 21 @1091 Broughton St.
Vancouver, B.C.  V6G 2A9

“You are receiving this email communication because you or someone using your address either submitted an online form or autoresponder to either us or one of our associates.
If you feel that your receipt of this mailing has been in error…
please go to the following url:

To better understand what is going on I went to that link and immediately I got the following message:
“Your remove request has been processed.”

Indeed, I reckon this time Eric Sommer avoids to be naïve.

From my part, a part from crying for the 100 dollars I paid for the beta,  I can only reiterate and stress Daly’s message, at least to warn everybody of the danger.

Gianni’s post causes me concern.

First, there is either a problem with ADM’s email system, or Eric may be back in Vancouver, which begs a question about what is happening in the Chinese operation, or both, because the request to remove makes no sense.

Meanwhile, the future of what is one of the most creative, potentially most useful pieces of software remains unknown, and unaccounted for. Unaccounted in both the sense of “who knows?”, but also in the sense that the covenant of accountability that businesses have to keep in touch with their markets has been neglected—yet again.

As Peter, Paul, and Mary sang in Where Have All the Flowers Gone?, “when will they ever learn?”

If anyone has any more recent news on the progress ADM is making in being recoded, and made market ready, whether in English or Chinese, please post with that information.
