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TreeProjects 2 is out

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Posted by Yaroslav Pidstryhach
Nov 26, 2011 at 06:33 PM


Dear friends,

I’m pleased to announce that TreeProjects version 2 is released. TreeProjects is a two-pane outliner that supports RTF-based note taking, transparent realtime indexing, searchable file attachments, web capturing, reminders, and more. Please visit the website, http://personaldatabase.org , for more details.

In version 2, the following important improvements were made:

- The user interface is now even faster, more customizable, looks better, and is simpler by default. ( Screenshot: http://personaldatabase.org/screenshots/general_1.png )

- File attachments of certain types can be previewed inline in the item view of TreeProjects, so a single click will show the contents of a file attachment, not just information about it. ( Screenshot showing a PDF attachment preview: http://personaldatabase.org/screenshots/preview_pdf.png )

- Microsoft Office files (DOC/DOCX, PPT/PPTX, XLS/XLSX) can also be edited inline in TreeProjects. You can work with an Office document in the same way you work with a rich text note. ( Screenshot showing editing an Excel file: http://personaldatabase.org/screenshots/edit_excel.png )

- The built-in rich text editor has also been improved. For advanced operations on rich text items that are not supported by the built-in editor (for example, advanced table editing), a button is added to open the item in an associated editor, make the advanced edits, and have them back in TreeProjects in a couple of clicks.

- On 64-bit Windows systems, TreeProjects can now access and use both 32-bit and 64-bit text filters. This removed search limitations that affected indexing some file types on 64-bit Windows.

- A lot of smaller improvements and bugfixes were made. Most of them were inspired by user suggestions and bug reports made using the dedicated error reporting tool. User-contributed translations of the user interface were added as well.

TreeProjects 2 remains at the same price ($49), and this major update was free for 1.x.x users. The current version of TreeProjects is 2.1.1.

Thanks for reading, and thank OutlinerSoftware for providing an opportunity to make this announcement.

Yaroslav Pidstryhach (the developer).