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Scrivener for Windows versus Writing outliner add-in for MS Word

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Posted by Mitchell Kastner
Nov 11, 2011 at 12:53 AM



Are you saying that Citavi allows you to copy its raw field code to the clipboard, as Endnote does? Because Mendeley and Zotero does not copy its citation field to clipboard; it copies only the text representation of the citation and therefore when you merge the Scrivener docs into one Word doc Mendeley and Zotero cannot keep track of citations to the same reference.

Whereas in their add-ins to Word, they both copy the citation field; hence it would be nice to have them added in to Scrivener.

Glen Coulthard wrote:
>Re: Citavi + Scrivener
> >I am using this combination now (although still early in my
>learning curve). Seems to work similar to EndNote, in that:
>1) I have both programs
>open and running on a dual monitor system,
>2) search for and copy the reference from
>Citavi to the Clipboard (using full program or smaller “Publication Assistant”
>3) paste the citation marker in Scrivener; e.g., {Yin 2003 #393}
>compile from Scrivener to RTF,
>5) use the Publication formatter in Citavi to produce
>a formatted (i.e., APA, MLA, Chicago style) Word DOCX file from the Scrivener RTF,
>complete with bibliography.
> >Yes, it sounds as though there are lots of steps, but it
>is really quite fast and easy.
> >Hope that helps,