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Scrivener for Windows versus Writing outliner add-in for MS Word

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Posted by Mitchell Kastner
Nov 8, 2011 at 02:28 AM


I continue to be exceeedling disappointed in Scrivener’s utility to handle citations and references.

Scrivener has a template to use for journal articles and one type of “document” is for References. I am writing a law-review type article on US Department of Labor workers’ compensation decisions on carpal-tunnel syndrome claims. I am beginning my article with a moderately detailed review of the syndrome itself. One source I am using for Etiology/Pathophysiology is DISEASEDEX; the cite in specific is DISDEX CR1711C. So I dutifully enter that cite as a document under References. Clearly I am going to cite that reference multiple times in separate documents. This is a snap is UR wherein you can link one document to many documents; alas not possible in Scrivener: for sure you can link the text “DISDEX CR1711C” ONCE to another time. But I need to cite it multiple times in different documents but there is no way to link that reference to mulpticle documents for which it is the source.

Yes I understand that perhaps I can import this Word document into Endnote—-I doubt whether Scrivener is compatible with any of the free and superior bibliography mangers——but by creating a template for journal articles, Scrivener more than implies that it can handle references whereas it just cannot——at least seemlessly and efficiently.

I threw away 36 bucks and unless someone knows how to link one document to multiple documents, I am going to have to get back some of my money since there is a 15% restocking fee.

>Mitchell Kastner wrote:
>>Scrivener for Windows is offering a negligible
>discount—-4 bucks——until
>>11/7/2011 when they are rolling out Ver. 1.0. I have
>already purchased a license for
>>Writing outliner add-in for MS Word, and I would
>like comments on your experiences, if
>>any, with these two programs.
>>Btw: I
>still do not believe that either program is
>>useful for academic or legal writing
>since neither has a facility for storing,
>>retrieving and inserting citations.