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Scrivener for Windows versus Writing outliner add-in for MS Word

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Posted by Pavi
Nov 4, 2011 at 07:01 AM


Hi Folks,

Based on these replies, I should point out that I was incorrect and that Writing Outliner should also allow Mendeley/Zotero citations to be merged. So I am ultimately using UltraRecall’s outlining structure to mimic the features of Writing Outliner.

So if you want research and writing environment with Mendeley/Zotero integrated, UltraRecall works well. For an excellent research and writing environment without Mendeley/Zotero (but with EndNote, etc.), Scrivener would be a good choice. For a writing environment with Mendeley/Zotero but not robust for research, Writing Outliner is perfect.

There is no inherent reason to have research and writing in the same application (ie. UR), although it become convenient for storage and backup. Since I am already using Storybook and UltraRecall, adding another writing environment seemed unnecessary since most of the features are able to be duplicated. If I didn’t use UR, I would almost certainly buy Writing Outliner for the academic reference integration.

Best, /Pavi