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Scrivener for Windows available for pre-order

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Posted by Pavi
Nov 2, 2011 at 08:00 AM


Hi, I wanted to chime in as I am a main proponent of Storybook here. Dr. Andus said it perfectly about the quick comparison between the two. One small detail is that other people are using it for other projects than novels/plays even though it was designed for such.

I have found that Storybook fits a big void in all the writing software available since it focuses on helping you set up plot, structure, characters (if fiction), timelines, etc. What it does, it does extremely well and the $27 license fee is really quite reasonable (or $0 if you take it without charting). It absolutely needs a writing environment to complement it. Scrivener looks quite good for this task, as does Liquid Story Binder (more flexible, but more complicated and higher learning curve).

I am using Storybook plus word documents embedded into Ultra Recall for the writing environment. Using word styles, navigation pane and having a new node for each chapter, it is quite flexible. Also I have all my research, be it websites, PDFs and notes within the tree as well as a basic outline I link to. For someone who wants to have all research and writing together, Scrivener looks to also fit quite nicely.

Short version: I agree that these would complement each other very nicely, and for a total of $63 rather affordable for a very powerful set of applications.

Best, /Pavi

Dr Andus wrote:
>pereh wrote:
>>I have no in-depth knowledge of software for writing
>books, so I would really
>>be thankful for some kind of comparison of Scrivener and
>Storybook. To me, these look
>>very similar.
> >Scrivener and Storybook aren’t
>exactly in the same category, as Scrivener is a fully fledged writing software where
>you can complete your writing from beginning to end, while Storybook is for planning
>the overall structure and story lines of a novel or a play but it lacks any finer text
>editing features. As Steve said, Scrivener can be used for any kind of writing (I use it
>for academic writing) but Storybook is specifically designed for planning out
>novels and plays.
> >Having said that the two do complement each other to some extent
>and I have described in this thread how I combined both as part of an outlining
> >http://www.outlinersoftware.com/topics/viewt/3283