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Posted by Cassius
Sep 29, 2011 at 04:17 AM


Paulo Diniz wrote:

>The slightly paranoid side in me keeps
>questioning if the lack of more powerful (while still being intuitive, quick and fun )
>tools for dealing and managing big amounts of data *in a PERSONAL/INDIVIDUAL* level
>isn’t actually a deliberate omission by the big players in the tech/software
> >After all, the lack of market can’t be used as an excuse if we consider that
>people don’t know what they need/want until they actually get it.
> >If we consider the
>gaming industry, comparing the progress made in the last two decades, and compare it
>with the PIM software market in the same period of time, then the situation really
>deserves a small laugh.
Cassius replies:

I respectively disagree.  I don’t know what you consider a ‘large” amount of data, but a really large amount of data requires really large storage and processing capacity—really FAST processing capacity.  We’re talking REAL MONEY.  Same goes for software.

Good video games cost REAL MONEY to produce.  About 2-3 years ago my son was in charge of a $35 Million video game development project.  No one would put that much money into a project unless they thought that they would sell many millions of copies.

I don’t think any developer thinks that the market for “Personal/Individual” software for processing large amounts of data has a potential market large enough to cover the development cost.  (The individuals probably couldn’t afford either the needed hardware or the software.)