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Outliner/PIM roll call: Fall 2011

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Posted by Dr Andus
Sep 24, 2011 at 03:52 PM


OK, here is a snapshot of my ever-changing set-up:

- Notebooks for iPad for capturing notes and slotting them into a hierarchy (synced with Dropbox);
- iThoughtsHD for breaking down tasks into a mindmap or outline (emailed or exported into CarbonFin Outliner);
- CarbonFin outliner for outlining short text and developing longer lists of tasks;
- Toodledo for to-do lists (synced with Pocket Informant HD on iPad and Google Calendar and Firefox addon on PC);
- Pocket Informant HD for calendar functions mainly (syncs with Google Calendar);
- Wunderlist to share tasks with the wife (syncs with desktop app);
- Instapaper for capturing website content to read later;
- iA Writer occasionally for short writing tasks;
- GoodReader and PDF Expert for PDF reading and annotation.

On the PC:
- MS Word 2010 outliner (just started to use);
- Natara Bonsai for quick outlining of shorter texts;
- Whizfolders to keep longer notes in a hierarchical outline;
- Surfulater for capturing websites;
- MLO for tracking project-specific tasks (basic project planning and management);
- CMAP Tools for quick concept mapping;
- Xmind for quick mindmapping;

Getting ready to use NVivo as a project-specific tool to analyse a large amount of data; will need to evaluate timeline mapping tools soon; and learning about Scrivener for Windows (also considering Writing Outliner), to write the thesis at the end.