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Zoot 6 - the solution ?

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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Aug 5, 2011 at 07:29 PM


I agree, but Zoot is not collaboration-ware; it is a PIM which connects to external communication channels. Much of the software we discuss here does this to an extent, either directly or indirectly. E.g. Outlook, Chaos Intellect and Daisho directly integrate email with contact and task management. By contrast, UltraRecall can link to Outlook emails rather than include an email client.

Zoot has taken the direct route, which in my view is the hardest; as Tom himself noted, Zoot is many apps in one, and each one of those (e.g. the email client) represents a formidable task in itself. It is also very ambitious, including mail, RSS, social media, you name it. But, if it manages to be at least good at most of what it does, the whole will be greater than the sum of its parts.

The concept is not completely new. Omea Pro (no longer developed) integrated just about every channel there was at the time. The challenge is significant though; I can almost compare it with having Google (Mail, Calendar, Reader, Groups, etc.) installed in your PC, in terms of the extended integration of services.

JBfrom wrote:
>In my experience, collaboration-ware tends to be insufficient for personal use, and
>vice versa. That’s sort of inherent - personal flexibility is lost with cross
>platform and cross-person availability and 1-1 correspondence.