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Re: Wiki notetaking in ConnectedText, & wiki Brainstorm?

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 5286

Posted by polymath
2006-02-17 19:42:21


“Am I missing something, or is it that you just get used to putting in all the extra characters needed for text formatting and linking?

On the surface, there is a certain allure to these programs, because of their simplicity”

I had a similar experience.  On surface, it looked promising, but in the end, I decided not to use it given its “quirks” regarding text formatting.  For instance, I found the idea of date note interesting, but then I discovered that I have to remember how to enter the date format correctly in order for it to work. 

At one point, I had a lot of time on my hands to learn a new formatting system, but now I just want to jot down notes, memos, or scribbles w/o having to think about “formatting.” 

Perhpas I’ll get used to its unique system, but for now, I don’t have time to invest.  Perhpas developers can simplify this, and then perhaps I will try it again.


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