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Re: Why ADM is a good idea with poor implementation?

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 5267

Posted by stephenz
2006-02-15 16:39:18


Regarding some of the issues raised about ADM: I do find it troubling that a developer doesn’t “fix” the current version, but, in essence, forces a user to upgrade to a new version to get a properly working piece of software. It’s one thing to charge for added and improved features. It’s another to expect people to pay to get what they should have gotten in the first place. (If I’ve read your message correctly, Daly, you are acknowledging that this is, in fact, the case.) I can understand Stephen’s frustration and anger over this. I also think it is foolish not to refund the money of a disgruntled customer. This makes me question Eric’s business sense.

I agree with you completely, Daly, that some programs, such as InfoSelect (and, I think The Brain was the other one), that have touted themselves as ECCO replacements are stretching reality pretty thinly.

I guess, all of this just reinforces the old saying, “Buyer, beware.” And it makes me appreciate developers like Tom Davis of Zoot, and David and Marck of Brainstorm. In both cases, these developers bend over backward to get their programs running properly. I’ve been using Zoot for seven years now and I haven’t had to pay for a single upgrade (sure, I’ve been waiting almost that long for the 32-bit version, but it’s coming soon, really!).

Steve Z.


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