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Re: Notemap 2.0--a Correction

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 5252

Posted by 100341.2151
2006-02-14 19:49:16


Stephen -

> Or perhaps I misunderstood you, and only I was confused.

Not at all. I noticed the “deletion problem” some while ago, and was quoting from notes I made at the time to explain it. I now see that there are at least two scenarios:

1. Where the Note becomes selected as the result of clicking on the square button icon, or moving the Note. When selected by this means, pressing the Delete key causes the contents of the Note to disappear.

2. Where the Note is selected by dragging the mouse over it. In this case, typing after this action causes the original text to disappear.

Both are in a sense the result of user error, but neither of them are prefaced by any warning about the risk of losing text. When I ran into the “deletion problem” I concluded that either #1 or #2, or some malign combination, must be causing the losses of text that I was experiencing.

But I remember at the time not being altogether happy with these explanations. I have the impression that text sometimes gets lost in other ways than by #1. or #2 - both of which involve risky behaviours by the user. At the time, however, I was unable to track down any other explanation.

So the confusion was mine, I think :-)



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