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Re: The place of ADM among outliners and pims

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 5222

Posted by srdiamond15
2006-02-10 15:31:49


Since the ADM fans list is a public one on Yahoo, I believe it is not an issue for me to post here the urls that will lead people to the latest beta.>

Of course my experience has colored my impression. The difference between you and me is that it would equally have colored my impression if this had been done to someone else, because I would conclude that I wouldn’t want any part of such a scam or any part of such a devious and narcissistic development environment.

I think the development environment of outlining applications is a fit topic for this list. When you buy a product, you are buying into the company to. People should be given the information that allows them to conclude that the ADM development group is not a genuine commercial undertaking, but rather is more of a cult group.

The ADM group is a _private_ group. I know this because it is the position developer Sommer took. I said if I can’t participate in the Yahoo group, then I want my money back for ADM, because this public group is the main avenue for support and latest versions. Sommer refused this demand, on the ground that the Yahoo group is a purely private group run by Jan, where ADM makes advance versions public as a service to the users who are members of the group, and it has no official relation to ADM whatsoever and owners of a license to ADM have no right as such to use this group. The beta versions, Sommer informed me, were not any part of the entitlement on purchasing a license. They aren’t released and are not yet part of ADM. On this basis he refused to defend Jan’s conduct in excluding me; it was a purely _private_ matter.

This _corrupt_ waffling on what ownership rights an ADM license gives a user (and even on what counts as a “public version”) is part of the scam that is ADM. It not only is corrupt; it is an environment that corrupts the members, as others, like you, parrot these hypocritical justifications.

Stephen R. Diamond


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