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Re: Word Processors: Outlines, Main Text and Footnotes

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 5202

Posted by cacx1999
2006-02-08 19:37:16



> I must have misunderstood your ealier post,

> > “I had FrameMaker for that, professionally, and no need for this

> > kind of documents, personally. Now I need them, personally.”

Sorry, that was misunderstadable, for sure. I meant that I have been using and will be using FM+SGML professionally for the weekly production of a legal journal, but I have no personal license for my own stuff, which is going to become much lengthier in the next years. BTW, there is a strange thing about licensing: In American versions of the licenses, you can often find a provision like: “If you are the single or main version of a licensed copy of the program at work, you may as well use it on your home computer.” I found that in (older?) Adobe licenses as well. Maybe this is a part of “fair use” as it is common in the US. This is actually unknown here in Germany (but we have other differences in licensing), and it’s unclear whether it applies here as well.

> but as you say I wish it had a date on it.

Sorry for the rant in my former post, this just keeps annoying a lot on web pages. Thankfully this forum has proper dates. If only Google search and topics view would work. Oops, I said it again.

> As far as I am aware OOo files are XML files that comply with the

> international OASIS Open Document XML standard.

Is there an understandable description of that standard? I keep reading about it, and every time it’s all about word documents. I wish there were an alternative to Excel. Does the standard incorporate this kind of documents (including charts) as well?



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