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Re: Quickly accessible hoist

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 3097

Posted by sub
2005-04-06 12:01:59


[Steve Z.: The index view and note markers have always intrigued me.]

Many two pane outliners use note markers but, as far as I’ve seen, most only use the markers as visual cues. Hyperclip and UltraRecall actually differentiate between the various note types. In the case of UltraRecall, the differentiation is also related to the actual content, whereas in Hyperclip it is not. I don’t quite remember what Myinfo does.

Re the .NET framework; it is a sort of infrastructure providing programmers with an extensive, standard set of tools and controls regardless of the actual programming language they employ. The idea was for it to act as a catalyst and greatly extend the Windows software developers’ community, as even part-time / amateur programmers would have access to the prerequisites for building professional looking and stable programs. Indeed, it seems to have not taken off yet, but the potential is there.

Major companies like Symantec, who make ACT!, have little or no use for it, as they have already got big programming teams and patented controls available in-house. However, it can make a great difference for small teams like RiskSoftWorks, in terms of reducing the developing time and making it easier to add new features.

The downside is, of course, that .NET framework programs are anything but optimised. The framework distribution package is 20 Mb alone.



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