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Quickly accessible hoist

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 3095

Posted by sub
2005-04-06 03:33:18


[Steve Z.: It seems to me that what these tree-based PIMS need is a function that allows you to create a quickly accessible hoist to any topic in the tree… setting it up so these hoists are tabs perhaps.]

There is a sort of workaround in Hyperclip that gets the job done, for me at least. Hyperclip has a flat “Index” view, where all entries are sorted alphabetically; this can be filtered by type of entry, i.e. Contact, To-Do, Reminder, Diary, Information etc.

What I do is to create Reminder entries within the various projects I am working on, noting the next priority action; I start the Reminder titles with “!” so that they appear at the top of the list in both filtered and unfiltered Index views. I can then select the relevant entry which opens in the edit pane. This is a tabbed interface, so I can open all my next actions from the Index view before switching back to the “Outline” view.

While at the Outline view, I click on the relevant tab; this doesn’t automatically move to the corresponding tree position. I need to click “Synchronise” for that. (I found this a nuisance at first, but it does make sense. However, I’d still like the option of it happening automatically).

As for the hoist-type view in the actual tree, this is more or less the de facto situation, i.e. the vertical view limitation on my developed outline corresponds to roughly one project and its neighbourhood. As I said, it gets the job done for me.

I imagine that similar workarounds may exist in other programs. Brainstorm practically works in a permanent hoist editing mode, with the Aerial view providing a read-only tree view. One may place Namesake (clone) entries like “Important” in revelant points of their model and jump from one to the other at will.



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