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Re: MyInfo 3, Jot+, etc., and the vital need for calendars

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 2378

Posted by 100341.2151
2004-12-28 18:52:59


>>If there were a way to resolve the bet, I’d be happy to wager that Grandview comes nowhere near NoteMap and BrainStorm in ergonomics and basic outlining power, and that Grandview’s massive database functionality must have detracted from its ability to provide the ultimate in a pure outlining experience.

It’s all a bit academic now that GV is gone, but having used all three of the above programs I’d have to conclude:
1. NoteMap is the prettiest, though this conceals some serious shortcomings (e.g., loss of Comments when merging individual notes), and general sluggishness (or is it awkwardness?);
2. Brainstorm is indeed very nimble, although I have not found brainstorming with GV to be a problem;
3. GV has more basic outlining power than either Brainstorm or NoteMap;
4. The database functions in GV did not interfere with or detract from its outlining capabilities. (Indeed, I never used the former in all my years of working with GV).
5. The effort required to master GV is consistent with its power and many features. (Zoot, to take another example of a complex program, was for a long time unnecessarily hard to learn, owing to the lack of a manual, or even comprehensive Help file.)

The tools one uses - and becomes used to - inevitably begin to shape how one approaches tasks. Probably if I were starting from scratch right now I’d use Brainstorm for basic outlining and then export to Word’s outliner for some of the additional word-processing benefits. (One important benefit for me is the ability to add footnotes while in outline view.)



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