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PIM/Outliner/Database Solution for Legal Study

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 1971

Posted by cfournier
2004-06-24 13:38:35


*** Initially, I posted this message in the Welcome folder. Since the subject is very specific, I copied it in a new folder

If you like challenges, I have one for you:

As a law student, I am managing information coming from three sources: class notes, briefed (summarized) cases, and outside study aids. These data must be cross-linked and organized in a hierarchical yet flexible way - and summarized in the form of an outline.

I would like to use a Note-taking/Outlining/Document Management/Database software (or a combination thereof) to efficiently manage this process. I’ve tried to find a solution myslelf but soon was overwhelmed. I have now more questions than answers. Sound familiar?

Here is the challenge:

- I work with the Window XP OS and Wordperfect Office 2002 Pro.

- The class notes are the collection of daily notes taken during each class. They have no pre-set internal organization or fields beyond: date, subject, and class. The content of the note must be searchable. I would like also to be able to link a class note to the outline (hyperlink, attachment, etc).

- All cases are briefed (summarized) following the same pattern or fields: Name, casebook source and page, class, subject, court, date, holding, fact, etc. The fields are identical for each case. The cases should be retrievable by subject, class, or keywords. I would like to be able to link an individual case to the outline (hyperlink, attachment, etc).

- the outline shall be compatible with Wordperfect, allow hyperlink and/or attachment of files for easy retrieval of source document, etc.

- Finally, the class notes, cases and outline shall be opened at the same time in three different panes or windows.

I was thinking to use a two or three pane outliner/PIM. But to date, I could not find one that meets my requirements.

TakeNote! is interesting with its split window function but its database capacity is very weak (only three fields: source, name, category) and it does not allow hyperlink/attachment.

So, one option would be to make the outline with an outliner, and use some sort of database for the cases and Class notes (or a wordprocessor).

I like NoteMap as an outliner. With NoteMap, I can attached files to my outline, hoist the relevent part, marked notes, etc. But then, I must find a way to organize class notes and cases in a format that would allow me to attach individual note / case to the outlines.

Here are my questions:

1- Is there on the market an Outliner / PIM with outline, database, and wordprocessor capability that meets my requirements?

2- If not, which database would allow me to create an hyperlink to an individual note?

Thank you in advance for your help. Charles Fournier


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