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FromScratch - outliner scratchpad

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Posted by jaslar
Dec 16, 2017 at 05:37 PM


I ran across this in the discussion about Folding text enhancements. Someone mentioned an open source project: https://fromscratch.rocks/

It’s a free scratchpad, single window, that supports outlining. It runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac (not iOS, no Android). Tab to add a level, shift-tab to move it out. (But you can also put in multiple tabs - so it’s not enforcing hierarchy.

Here’s the whole feature set:

cmd/ctrl up - move current line up
cmd/ctrl down - move current line down
cmd/ctrl d - delete current line
cmd/ctrl w/q - close application
cmd/ctrl +/= - zoom text in (enlarge type)
cmd/ctrl - - zoom text out
cmd/ctrl 0 - reset text size
cmd/ctrl ]/[ - toggle note collapsing
cmd/ctrl f - search (you can also use regular expressions, by starting and ending with a /)
shift+cmd/ctrl f - replace
shift+cmd/ctrl r - replace all
cmd/ctrl g - jump to line (you can also use : notation, or go relative lines with + and -)
cmd/ctrl / - add or toggle checkbox
alt - show or hide menu (Windows only)

So it’s not even a stripped down editor - really just a scratchpad. Might be better than a sticky note, or a daily to do. But cool to see outlining in it. It’s a zip file, 140 MB on Windows.


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