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Hyper Plan now has dependencies between cards

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Posted by Andy Brice
Dec 8, 2017 at 10:01 AM


Hyper Plan Professional Edition is now out of beta. The new Professional Edition has full support for connections/dependencies between cards. This give Hyper Plan a lot more expressive power and allows it to be used in lots of new ways, including:
-visualization of complex networks of connections/dependencies
-scheduling based on dependencies (like a PERT chart) including critical path analysis

If you are interested you can find out more at:

Andy Brice


Posted by washere
Dec 8, 2017 at 11:54 AM


I’ve already been working with the beta Pro on some of my files. I can do virtually any layout with it. Also many multi semi-intelligent sorted views on complex files using stored views & elaborate filter conditions. It can be very powerful in the right hands when going through complex multi stored views on a file’s cards, varying card orders, connections, which cards or fields to show for each view, multi layouts, multi color allocations, multi connections etc. for each view. It’s full potential is yet untapped.

Not to mention propagating values which is not exactly even a basic Neural Network architectures (one of the areas of my academic research) feature but very impressive feature for a virtual board.

I rarely recommend anything but this Pro version is really indispensable for outlining maniacs, nvm those who need the best tools for brainstorming and planning complex work in areas of: creative, scientific, authorship, organisational, projects etc. What’s more, the work is going in the right direction though could do with more features suggestions from the right people who will probably be too busy unfortunately. This is a must buy for outlining fanatics or people needing the best tools for thinking up and creating complex works.

Congratulations to Andy and his team.


Posted by washere
Dec 8, 2017 at 04:31 PM


Another new feature in the Pro I didn’t mention is the explore connections. It’s very useful and not just in OR/CP but many disciplines. However often the cards are too small or immobile in that view. That view needs:

> zoom in / out
> Pan across by dragging
> Less distance between cards, least possible really as it wastes crucial screen acreage making cards even smaller and often the fields can’t be read in most levels, except the lowest

Other features and suggestions are possible too, but they can be added to a few other software apps too, horses for courses.


Posted by washere
Dec 8, 2017 at 05:00 PM


Also for the explore connections view:

> If the panning feature is added in explore connections view, the rest of the board can be set visible in a new highest level (6?) too. So one can pan across the whole board by dragging the mouse pointer. Moving away from the selected inner selected circles completely to explore the board freely

> The outer cards beyond level 5 can be greyed out or the 5 inner levels can have a special border outline to distinguish them or even A ring around them in level 6 only

> A toolbar icon and right-mouse click option to re-center the view on the selected inner cards, if moved away too far, like GPS map re-centering

> right-mouse click option on any card beyond level 5 to make it the new Center of the explore connections view

Much more easily implemented features possible in the main view, but alas life is too short.



Posted by Andy Brice
Dec 8, 2017 at 07:31 PM


washere wrote:
>Not to mention propagating values which is not exactly even a basic
>Neural Network architectures (one of the areas of my academic research)
>feature but very impressive feature for a virtual board.

It wasn’t actually all the hard to add once we had done all the other stuff relating to connections (which was hard!).

>I rarely recommend anything but this Pro version is really indispensable
>for outlining maniacs, nvm those who need the best tools for
>brainstorming and planning complex work in areas of: creative,
>scientific, authorship, organisational, projects etc. What’s more, the
>work is going in the right direction though could do with more features
>suggestions from the right people who will probably be too busy

We have had a lot of great feedback and that has definitely helped to shape the product.

>This is a must buy for outlining fanatics or people
>needing the best tools for thinking up and creating complex works.
> >Congratulations to Andy and his team.

Thank you. A lot of hard work went it so the positive feedback is much appreciated.

Now we need to do a much better job on the marketing (which is more difficult and less interesting than the programming).

Andy Brice


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