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Next version of MyInfo

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Posted by WSP
Jan 11, 2014 at 11:01 PM


I’m rather late in spotting this, but I’ve just noticed that when MyInfo was on sale on BitsDuJour in December, Petko offered a few interesting details about version 7 of MyInfo, which he says will be released this year. His most interesting comment is that “the focus of MyInfo 7 will be to introduce a new file format, which will be cross-platform and allow us to develop clients for other platforms (Mac, Android, iOS).”

This is a welcome development.



Posted by gunars
Apr 29, 2015 at 05:05 PM


MyInfo is on BitsDuJour again today at 51% off, with a free upgrade to v7 (still expected ‘this year’):

Petko Georgiev: MyInfo 7 is a work in progress, so there is no definite list of changes yet. But so far this will be part of it:

* Cross-platform file format, which will allow the creation of MyInfo versions for other desktop and mobile platforms
* Instantaneous save and load of MyInfo files: the new version will use database-based instead of file-based information storage
* Searching in document attachments (for selected files types like text, PDF, etc)
* Multiple attachments per document
* Split, merge/join documents
* Updated user interface
* Many exciting new features to be announced later

MyInfo 7 is expected later this year, but no matter when it is released, everyone who purchases MyInfo 6 today, will get it free.

Milenix Software Ltd. - 2 hours ago


Posted by Carrot
May 21, 2015 at 01:50 AM


I am very much looking forward to the release of the new version.
Over the last few years, I have used MyInfo daily for categorizing my research fieldnotes, managing academic notes, and for grading student papers submitted in WORD format. 
Once a cross-platform version of MyInfo is released, I’ll be one big step closer to being able to switch back to Linux.
As an extra bonus, a mobile version will enable me to abandon Evernote on my Blackberry and switch to a cloud-synced MyInfo.

I wrote a brief review of MyInfo here: http://www.ambrosi.ca/review-of-myinfo-freeform-personal-organizer/
A revised article is in the works as well.


Posted by MadaboutDana
May 21, 2015 at 09:32 AM


That is interesting - MyInfo is one of the better general info managers on Windows, the thought of a multiplatform version is very appealing. Especially with mobile support!


Posted by WSP
May 21, 2015 at 01:31 PM


I’ve used MyInfo a lot through the years, and like the rest of you, I look forward to a multi-platform version.

I should point out, however, that Petko’s plans are (as usual) very cautiously expressed. Here is how he recently described the next version on the MyInfo forum:

“Cross-platform file format, which will allow the creation of MyInfo versions for other desktop and mobile platforms.”

I interpret that sentence to mean that the non-Windows versions will be theoretically possible in Version 7 but will not necessarily appear in the immediate future.

I hope my reading of Petko’s pronouncements is not unfairly pessimistic. Version 7 will apparently involve a fundamental rewriting of his software, and I suspect that in itself will keep him very busy.


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