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Into the Night

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Posted by 22111
Jan 6, 2014 at 10:53 PM


Let’s presume you wanna become creational, not stay a customer-only of dumb sw. Here’s a little intro. What Kühn is able to do, you’ll be able to do, and the Kühn example drove me to AHK, mine should drive you. It’s easy, and it’s fun!:

Step 1

You’re drunk enough for wanting to vision Bertolucci’s The Dreamers with an Azerbeijanian (?) soundtrack and English subtitles. So you search for that in YT.

Step 2

That way, you get to the corresponding YT page, with an url like this:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykXzlASA3HU .

But instead of being shown the film, you get a

“Content Warning

This video may be inappropriate for some users.

Sign in to confirm your age”


Step 3

You kick out your paid, crappy macro tool out of your system, and you play around an hour or two with AHK, with this intro:


(Or you play around with it for several days, with more general info.)

Step 4

You put the following lines into your AHK script

(In its autoexec section, there must be the command SetTitleMatchMode, 2):

$^F7:: ; or whatever hotkey seems to be appropriate to you
if winactive(“YouTube - Mozilla Firefox”) ; adjust the scriplet if you use other browsers
gosub, into_the_night
send ^{f7}

; and:

clipboard =
targeturl =
target =
send {f6}
sleep, 100 ; or extend to sleep, 200 if necessary
send ^a
sleep, 100 ; as above
send ^c
clipwait, 5,1
if errorlevel
{ msgbox, Sorry, aborted. Your pc is too tired, let it sleep a little bit longer.
} targeturl := clipboard
target := substr(targeturl,instr(targeturl,”=”+1))
targeturl := “http://www.youtube.com/v/” . target . “?fs=1”
send %targeturl%
sleep, 50
send {return}

then resave and reload that script.

Step 5 (next time, this will become step 2)

Go back to the boom page.

Press control-F7 (or whatever hotkey seemed to be appropriate to you).

Step 5a

Good boys/girls will try this with non-offensive content (first):


(and see what it does there)

Step 6

Enjoy the visuals (and the Uzbek (?) soundtrack; resp. the music).

With the best compliments by,
Ed Okin


Posted by 22111
Jan 6, 2014 at 11:05 PM


{ msgbox, Sorry, aborted. Your pc is too tired, let it sleep a little bit longer.
} targeturl := clipboard

those braces have their own line but not on this screen, sorry (and (for visual reasons only,) the lines in-between should be indented)


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