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Triumphant return of Smereka TreeProjects

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Posted by MadaboutDana
Dec 14, 2011 at 10:39 PM


Well! I love it! TreeProjects is back with a bang! I’ve been drafting a brochure using Scrivener for Windows and TreeProjects side by side, because in a number of significant respects they’re actually very similar. And impressed though I am by Scrivener, I’m afraid TreeProjects wins: it’s easier to use, it’s (much) faster, and it actually indexes the files it stores (Scrivener does store lots of different kinds of files - but doesn’t index them. Definitely a weak point!). TreeProjects even supports in-place file editing, which is really rather neat (not that I feel any particular desire to do that, but it’s clever). The attached file preview in TreeProjects is also much faster than Scrivener, which is rather ponderous when it comes to viewing files.

Scrivener does have its Scrivenings feature, plus the amazing “compile” function. But I’m not convinced they outweigh the speed and convenience of the updated TreeProjects. I’d be interested to hear other views on this, especially from MyInfo users (a similar concept).

What’s won me over, after a period of time working pretty intensively with both programs, is that you can build a database of relevant literature, drafts etc. very quickly in TreeProjects. You sort-of can in Scrivener, too, but there are more bits and pieces to remember: TreeProjects does many of the same things, but uses simpler tools (tags, references etc. rather than groups, collections, folders that can be more than folders and so on). I guess it’s very much a personal preference, but my vote goes to TreeProjects this time round. Let’s see how Scrivener continues to develop (it’s still early days).

Yaroslav - the thing most obviously missing from the current iteration of TreeProjects is in-file links - you can’t create links from one note to another within a TreeProjects file (i.e. by creating a link from selected text), although you can link to more or less anything else. Yes, you can create aliases (“References”), but it’s not quite the same. That would be my next big feature request!



Posted by Glen Coulthard
Dec 15, 2011 at 01:18 AM


Just wondering something. I typically attach PDFs to notes/topics/items (e.g., import journal articles and then take notes on my readings.) However, I have found that relatively few tools index the attached PDF files, or help in managing file attachments. Here is my observation:

Those programs that index PDFs internally:
1. UltraRecall
2. myBase
3. TheBrain 7 / PersonalBrain
4. Smereka TreeProjects

Those programs that do not index PDFs internally:
1. ConnectedText
2. MyInfo
3. MyNotesKeeper
4. TreePad X

TreeProjects has impressed me with its internal viewer for Office documents, but I don’t see a viewer for PDFs? By the way, TreeProjects is the only one that I haven’t purchased yet

. Any other programs out there that will both index and internally preview PDFs, as well as provide good notetaking capabilities? By the way, I like Adobe’s embedded preview (as used in MyInfo) just fine.



Posted by Gorski
Dec 15, 2011 at 02:08 AM


Zoot also indexes PDFs and other files internally.


Posted by Yaroslav Pidstryhach
Dec 15, 2011 at 09:46 AM


Hi Glen,

TreeProjects added PDF preview in version 2.0. If you don’t see a preview, check if you have a PDF viewer installed (almost any popular viewer will do, like Adobe Reader, Foxit Reader, or PdfXChange). TreeProjects uses other viewers for previewing, rather than brings its own.



Posted by Yaroslav Pidstryhach
Dec 15, 2011 at 09:54 AM


Hi Bill,

Thanks! Internal links are really long overdue. Good news is that I’m already working on them, and expect to release the support in version 2.3 (January).



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