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More on Linux (so okay, not strictly relevant to outlining - perhaps)

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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
May 11, 2013 at 08:14 AM


MadaboutDana wrote:
>So it was with great pleasure that I recently installed the latest
>version of Xubuntu (12.10) on a rather nice Asus 1101 netbook I’ve had
>for a couple of years. [...] And lo! I now have a nice, speedy
>little netbook with an operating system that is actually pretty much
>state-of-the-art. It boots in around 40 seconds, runs very quickly,
>loads e.g. LibreOffice, Basket NotePads (despite the latter’s KDE
>libraries), Google Chrome, Thunderbird very fast, runs Dropbox, and
>links very nicely to my local WebDAV servers. What a little gem!

Anyone interested in trying out a lightweight Linux might want to take a look at Voyager Linux http://voyager.legtux.org/ It is a customisation of Xubuntu with a great choice of software. It would take one ages to find all those programs. 

>There are some interesting shortcomings: there’s no Google Drive or
>SkyDrive clients (although there are workarounds for both).

Can you share a tip or two on the workarounds? I have found the following, which I’ve used in Windows in the past:

>And just to keep this topic very vaguely relevant to the forum, you
>might want to check out the very pleasant CherryTree, which is a
>cross-platform dual-pane outliner.

There are some interesting outliners and information managers in Linux that don’t exist in Windows, e.g. like Semantik which is a mind mapper of sorts developed for working on long texts. Unfortunately, for me, cross-platform compatibility is something I hereon more or less require from such software.