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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Sep 11, 2011 at 10:05 PM


Mark, thanks for the heads-up in EmEditor outline plug-in. This is powerful stuff.

Bill, you might want to try an intermediate solution like Textpad, one of the many text editors I am currently playing around with. Its advantage is a separate pane showing all open files; you can actually save the set as a workspace which I think is very convenient. Then for a large project, such as a book, each chapter could be a separate file.

I am impressed by the potential of plain text files, and this coming from someone who has used plain text in most of his writing. What I had never considered was the transparent freedom in combining programs that comes from working with this format. For example, I started today working on a text in Textroom, one of the minimalist full screen editors we’ve discussed here in the past. I then opened it in Textpad along with other related material. I included outline information via leading spaces. This in turn can be directly copied or opened by the EmEditor outline plug-in and even Brainstorm, which will recognise the levels and create the corresponding hierarchy.

In short, I can switch anytime to a more convenient environment for the task at hand, all the time without having to export/import and lose info along the way. (Brainstorm default files are not plain text, but it can write to plain text very easily).
