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Re: Why ADM is a good idea with poor implementation?

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Note: This message is from the outliners.com archive kindly provided by Dave Winer.

Outliners.com Message ID: 5258

Posted by daly_de_gagne
2006-02-15 00:10:59


Stephen, I don’t defend what happened, but as lawyer you know that there are different interpretations for a behaviour, and that the most obvious interpretation may not be the most accurate. My sense is that because of the proverbial shoe string ADM’s developers are stretched too thin, and that there is organizational slippage—in other words, the level of organization isn’t optimal. You are attributing motive; you could be right, but I think that just as good a case can be made for the stance I take.

If you want to look at what ADM has accomplished: ADM 3 was like a completely new product cf ADM 2 because of the introduction of metadata capabilities; while enhancing the metadata capabilities, ADM 4 will be almost as much of a leap forward because of ways of viewing pages and, most notably, Skype features, and srong tabbed browser features. I know of few other programs that, for two successive versions, make the massive changes that ADM has.



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