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Substitute for Omnioutliner

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Posted by Alexander Deliyannis
Dec 1, 2011 at 04:47 PM


From my limited understanding of OmniOutliner (I only work with Windows and Linux) I believe that nothing similar exists outside the Mac world. I hope that I am proven wrong.

In my view, outliner development seems has taken different routes in Mac and Windows—both quite innovative and interesting. It is however very limited in the Linux world, where information manager solutions mostly revolve around wikis and more traditional relational databases. The few outline solutions existing in Linux are usually based on cross-platform implementations, including Java. Of these, Notecase Pro http://www.virtual-sky.com/index.php stands out for its consistent development and broad range of features.

Some other available offerings: KeepNote http://rasm.ods.org/keepnote/ Zettelkasten http://zettelkasten.danielluedecke.de/en/index.php the ubiquitous Org-Mode http://orgmode.org/ Java Outliner http://outliner.sourceforge.net/ MindRaider http://mindraider.sourceforge.net/ TreeLine http://treeline.bellz.org/ and of course TreeSheets http://www.treesheets.com/

I may be missing a few, but probably not something that would change the general picture.